We never know how long important personal and business relationships will endure. That necessitates using every daily opportunity to help those around you grow and to learn from them as well. A post last year when a friend was leaving our company included questions to see if you're really giving enough of yourself to important people in your life. The questions warrant repeating:
- Can you see your positive influence on these people?
- Have you helped prepare them to pass on to others the lessons you’ve shared?
- Do these people know how much they mean to you?
- If you had one extra day to spend with one of these important people, would you do the same things to help them you'd do any other day?
- Are you ready to let them go so they can grow and develop even more?
If you answer yes to all of these, you've truly given of yourself in helping someone grow and develop.
Entering a new career phase, I want to thank all those people who should be answering "Yes" to these questions in light of what they've given to me. They know who they are, and if you look back through the first two years of posts on Brainzooming you will too!
And as suggested by Chris Reaburn, here's a time lapse Brainzenning video of the denuding of the orange in my office.
What's Next? I'll be in Chicago Monday, leading a roundtable on Business Innovation Roadblocks at the Frost & Sullivan Marketing World 2009 Conference and having a Brainzooming tweetup / happy hour get together on Monday (11/2). - Mike Brown