We’ve published a tremendous amount of free content since the Brainzooming blog launched in 2007. As we adapt and expand our own content marketing strategy, one goal is to add new value to evergreen content we’ve already created.
This strategy means adapting, repurposing, and repackaging content in ways that add value for current readers and help us reach new audiences. It can also mean changing where and how we share Brainzooming content.
17 Ways to Add New Value to Evergreen Content
As we often do, more than willing to share our strategy ideas with you as we develop and implement them.
Here are 17 ways we’re considering to add new value to evergreen content we’ve already developed:
- Update the content to enhance its timeliness
- Expand the content so it is more comprehensive
- Strengthen the content by making it better researched and authoritative
- Create a more effective order for the content
- Deliver the content in shorter chunks
- Communicate a single piece of content in a longer format with greater depth
- Add detail to the content so it answers questions more thoroughly
- Increase the frequency with which you publish for those who want more
- Decrease the frequency with which you publish for those who want less
- Tell a story with the content
- Convert the content into an eCard
- Enhance the content with lots of photos
- Deliver the content across a wider range of media
- Create a podcast from the content to make it more portable for the audience
- Change the medium in which the content is delivered
- Compile separate, but related pieces of content into a more comprehensive format (eBook, compilation video, presentation, etc.)
- Recompose the content from a different perspective
What can you grab off this list for your content marketing strategy?
We’re further narrowing this list of ways to add new value to evergreen content. What ideas could work best for you on this list to deliver greater value to your audiences from your content marketing strategy? – Mike Brown
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