Last summer on a drive from Minneapolis to Denver* I encountered 3 striking visual examples of creative ways to make making something new and different, all in South Dakota.
A Different Creative Combination
The picture at right shows what can only be described as a college boy’s fondest dream come true--a place where you can gamble, drink beer and get a clean shirt all at the same time. Two thoughts spring to mind: 1) the definition of “casino” in South Dakota is slightly less grand than it is in Las Vegas, and 2) a laundromat is not the most natural companion business to a bar and a casino. But remember, at one time we believed the most natural place for a gas station was as part of an auto repair facility, not in the front yard of a small grocery store.
A Different Creative Material
“Sudz” is in Mitchell, SD, which is also the location of the Corn Palace. It is not only a figurative tribute to corn, but a literal one as well. The sides of the building are covered with ears of corn and stover. While not the most typical of building/artistic materials, they are certainly appropriate to the place and purpose. And it gives you a great reason to get off of I-80 and drive into downtown Mitchell.
A Different Creative Perspective
Like you, I have seen the traditional image of Mt. Rushmore my entire life. Four presidents, full-face, huge and seemingly viewable from miles away—like a huge billboard.
On that trip I expereinced it in person and it showed me a different creative perspective. You catch only a distant glimpse of the figures on the drive up the mountain. You can only begin to see them well when you are really quite near, less than one mile away--after you have parked your car and left it.
But that doesn’t make it any less impressive, in fact it makes it more striking. You have to make an effort to even get that good a view and then you need to walk a good deal further to see those fantastic carvings up close.
And finally there was one additional gift of a different perspective. As you begin the drive down the mountain there is a small pull off area where you can see the profile view of Washington alone. It is not a view I had seen before or was even aware existed. As you stand there it seems as if this giant (and I mean that both historically and in size) is walking along and is about to emerge full-figure from the other side of the mountain. - Barrett Sydnor
*It is a running joke around The Brainzooming Group that if business travel destination is more than 100 miles away, Mike automatically looks at a flight schedule, while if it is closer than 1,500 miles I look at a road map.