Last Friday's post came from the TEI President's Forum in Kansas City. Today's does as well, featuring some strategic thought starters from Danny O'Neill, the Bean Baron at Kansas City's The Roasterie:
- We learn more from failures than successes, and they usually make more fun presentations.
- In Iowa, you don't get accolades for just showing up.
- Live in the moment; say "yes" to invitations. You never know how doing so will change your life.
- When you're looking for something (i.e., a job or business opportunity), tell everyone you know.
- There's inherent stress in choices. When starting a business, you don't have a lot of choices.
- It's a lot easier to bet the farm when you don't have a farm.
- Wisdom from Henry Bloch as The Roasterie was starting: "You don't know it, but where you are now is where it's most fun. Building is the most fun."
Pick one or two of these and think this weekend about how they apply to where you are now or are headed in the future. - Mike Brown