While I'd always had great success pairing up with and interpreting these creative geniuses for co-workers, it occurred to me the laws could help others who struggled working with them.
I bought the Peter's Laws poster and subsequently passed the list along (sans subtitle) to new people who just couldn't seem to get the hang of working with an extreme creative talent. If you struggle in working with a creative genius, check out Peter's Laws for yourself.
My interest in Peter's Laws today, however, is this:
If Peter's Laws shed light on how creative geniuses approach game-changing creativity, then I should be able to turn them into questions ANYONE can use to push their own extreme creativity.
Here is the result - a sampling of extreme creativity questions you can use to take a big swing at game-changing results:
Pointing these questions at your strategic objective will yield multiple game-changing possibilities to pursue.
What do you think of these extreme creativity questions? Are there questions you'd modify or other questions you would add to make sure your results are as creatively extreme as possible? Let me know what you think! – Mike Brown
Would you like help pushing your team's creative thinking and doing something with your great ideas? The Brainzooming Group helps make smart organizations more successful by rapidly expanding their strategic options and creating innovative plans to efficiently implement. Email us at info@brainzooming.com or call us at 816-509-5320 to learn how we can help enhance your marketing strategy, project management, and implementation efforts.