Since our start, publishing five times a week (with rare exceptions) has been part of the Brainzooming blog brand. Frequent blog publishing is integral to The Brainzooming Group business-building strategy and consistent with multiple elements of our brand experience.

The priority on daily blog publishing is dropping on the importance list for now, however.

A Change in Our Brainzooming Blog Publishing Brand Promise

My wife had surgery last Thursday and has several months of recuperation (and related physical limitations) ahead of her. I'll be more heavily involved in taking care of her, and neither one of us is completely sure what this means yet. She has done pretty well during these first days, but I do realize that making sure she's taken care of will require more time and have a dramatic impact on my attention through the summer months.


With that new priority and the importance of making sure The Brainzooming Group business keeps flourishing, the place daily blogging fits within our business strategy and priorities changes.

As a result, we're going to move to not publishing on Fridays through at least July. There may also be other weekdays in the coming months where there won't be a Brainzooming blog.

Trust me; I realize that's NOT the end of the world for any of you.

But for as many people who tell me they can't possibly read the Brainzooming blog five days a week, I have others tell me its daily appearance gets it more attention than other content they could read. As a result, I don't make this change lightly.

From a strategic standpoint, we still stand behind the business-building benefits of frequent blog publishing. We've reached a great stage with our website, however, where evergreen content typically generates 90% of daily website traffic for The Brainzooming Group. As a result, we feel comfortable in dialing back blogging frequency with minimal near-term impacts.

Maybe we'll never miss an extra day. Maybe if we do miss a day, you won't notice right away.

But for those that do notice, we wanted you to know what was going on, and to thank you for your continued readership! You'll never know how much I appreciate it! – Mike Brown


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