I met Nick Kellet through the monthly #Ideachat Twitter chats hosted by Angela Dunn. Intriguingly enough, after we got to know each other, it turns out Nick had included Brainzooming blog content on list posts in one of his presentations about how his company List.ly is changing lists to make them more collaborativeWith a new release in the works, this is a great opportunity to hear from Nick on the next generation of lists:

9 Reasons List Posts Are Broken by Nick Kellet

Nick-KelletSo what is a list? Lists are simply a collection

We use lists to organize our lives online and off. We make lists of just about anything.

Lists are the backbone of the web. Lists exist on every web page to organize content from menus to blogrolls and so much more.

Lists are a construct that hasn't evolved since the inception of the web, given all the changes in our social norms and the way we share, interact and engage online that feels wrong.

Lists and list posts are too important to be ignored. From here on I'm going to talk specifically about "list posts."

Why are list posts broken?

Lists are Broken Image Credit: marcobellucci via Flickr.com and Creative Commons

List posts are things such as:

List posts are a subset of all the types of lists that exist on the web (lists of videos, songs, slides, friends etc). List posts account for 30% of the content and 50% of page views. Even those who dislike list posts agree list posts work.

While list posts work well, they are still broken. At best lists use a simple HTML construct of tags. Lists are essentially dumb HTML. Lists need to be smarter.

So let's explore. I've noted 9 reasons why lists need a makeover:

[listly id="31z" layout="full"]

Am I missing anything? Vote for those you agree with, and feel free to add your own suggestions.

The Dawn of Interactive Lists

Lists are a wonderful concept for engaging people. Humans love to skim lists, but our social norms and expectations have changed. Lists need to change with the times.

This is the thinking that drives our vision at Listly.

The best way to experience an interactive list post is to create a list and embed it in a blog post just such as this one.

So what's stopping you? - Nick Kellet


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