What to blog about and how to do it is a frequent search bringing people to the Brainzooming blog. This demand for ideas relative to blogging has prompted a considerable amount of blog-oriented content the past 18 months.

That much content on a particular topic always prompts requests for a post that pulls together and organizes the content in one place.

Since I'm conducting a blogging workshop on creating fantastic content for a business blog, we're meeting two needs in one in this post with a compilation of blogging content that also serves as a primer for participants in the content class.

There are nearly forty articles organized, but if you feel as if you're still struggling with how blogging can support your business strategy and where to get started, email (info@brainzooming.comor call us (816-509-5320). We'll get your business-producing social media effort going in a smart, successful direction.

I-bloggedDeciding to Have a Blog and Objective Setting

Developing Your Content Marketing and Brand Personality

Blogging-ScheduleCreating a Regular Blogging Schedule and Editorial Calendar

What to Blog About

Structuring Your Blog Posts

Blogging for B2B and Larger Companies

Making a Decision - Quick DecisionMaking the Most of Your Blogging and Social Media Time

Getting Your Blog Content Seen

Idea-Cartoon-BalloonBlogging Tips and Tricks

Getting Help for Your Social Media Effort


Mike Brown

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Is your social media strategy missing the mark?

9 Diagnostics to Check Your Social Strategy

Is your social media implementation working as well as it can? In less than 60 minutes with the new FREE Brainzooming ebook “9 Diagnostics to Check Your Social Strategy,” you’ll have a precise answer to this question. Any executive can make a thorough yet rapid evaluation of nine different dimensions of their social media strategies with these nine diagnostics. Download Your Free Copy of “9 Diagnostics to Check Your Social Strategy.



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