Going back through some old files, I re-discovered the following self-assessment that was prepared for my team 13 years ago this month in response to a question about what my expectations were of them. It’s reassuring that with minimal updates, the list of personal checkpoints stills works for our team today. Having stood the test of a dozen years, here it is for you to use as a self-check on your orientation and performance or for adapting and sharing with your own team.
Self-Assessment – You should be known for . . .
Stepping up to challenges as they arise with your time, effort, learning, innovativeness, etc.
Honesty--with yourself and with everyone in the department and the company.
Attention to detail and accuracy in everything that crosses your desk.
Absolute integrity in using and reporting information.
Asking and answering for all analysis: "What does it mean for our brands, customers, competitors, and/or the market?" and "What actions do we need to take to realize an advantage from it?"
Making communication clear and simple--getting to the point without jargon and unessential information. Constantly work to improve both oral and written communication skills.
Completing assignments in a timely manner.
Being innovative--what can be done differently to increase efficiency, productivity, value, and revenue or reduce costs?
Being above reproach in dealings with all parties within and outside of the company-how you conduct yourself reflects on you, your co-workers, the department, and the company.
Using the knowledge and expertise of others inside and outside the company; recognize and acknowledge their contributions.
Sharing your own knowledge and expertise with others, i.e., what were the five most important things you learned at a seminar or from a book you just read.
Being a leader--even if you are not personally heading a group or project.
Being oriented toward helping people solve problems.
Embracing technology and using it to further profitable revenue.
Solving problems if they arise.
Originally delivered 1/09/95