This past summer, while organizing documents that I brought with me when I left the corporate world, I discovered something I didn’t know I still had: my handwritten notes from a January 31, 1995 America Marketing Association luncheon. We hosted the lunch-time seminar on creative thinking skills at my company's headquarters. Serving as the host, I had the opportunity to meet the creativity expert who would be presenting and get to know him before the meeting started.
Agreeing to host the luncheon at our company was one of the most important business decisions I ever made.
The reason?
The creativity expert was Chuck Dymer.
The Creativity Expert Who Inspired Brainzooming
As anyone who has read Idea Magnets knows, Chuck was a major influence early in my career; he continues as an influence still. Chuck, through the knowledge he shared at the creative thinking skills seminar, introduced ideas that have dramatically shaped career.
Reviewing the notes, I found mentions of fundamental concepts that still influence Brainzooming:
- Needing a way to help see things differently
- The importance for organizations to signal that creativity thinking skills are important and supporting them through the right environment
- How creative thinking tools provide a method to apply process to creativity
- Trait transformation, which Chuck gridified to help teams systematically alter product or process attributes
- The importance of putting "thought into how you work"
It is amazing; Chuck shared all these vital ideas in just one hour. If you’d like, you can look through a PDF of the notes below and see what impact they may have for you!
Thank you once again, Chuck, for being the creativity expert (and Idea Magnet) that walked through the doors of Yellow Corporation on this day, all those years ago. It is an honor to have you as a friend and important part of the Brainzooming family! – Mike Brown