Creating social media and collaborative blogging strategies for organizations has become a significant focus for The Brainzooming Group. In these projects, we've been working in very close collaboration with Nate Riggs from Social Business Strategies out of Columbus, OH. Through his work, Nate has been instrumental in developing social media and collaborative blogging strategy for manufacturing, services, and educational organizations.
Since Nate Riggs has been getting a lot more mentions here and on my Twitter account, you may be curious about him and want to find out more. If so, there are two recent opportunities to do so rather conveniently
In 2011, look for more from the ongoing collaboration between Nate Riggs and The Brainzooming Group! – Mike Brown
The Brainzooming Group helps make smart organizations more successful by rapidly expanding their strategic options and creating innovative plans they can efficiently implement. Email us at or call 816-509-5320 to learn how we’ve developed integrated social media strategy for other brands and can do the same for yours.