If you've been pursuing a content marketing strategy for a few years, you have some content that worked and some that didn't work when you first published it. You also likely have content that's continuing to work for you in that it's still attracting new visitors. We hope you also have a good deal of content that, even though you may have created it years ago, is still largely accurate and relevant.
Reviewing the most successful pieces emerging from your content marketing strategy up to now provides the opportunity to create new growth from your evergreen content.
We have been doing that with our own content marketing strategy along with helping clients take advantage of the same opportunity: updating, reformatting, and enhancing evergreen content so it's primed to generate new visitors, subscribers, and audience members eager to download it.
8 Ways to Create New Growth from Evergreen Content
Here are 8 ideas to explore based on your top blog posts for ongoing traffic:
Those are all great ways to get new growth from your evergreen content.
Exploiting your most popular content in this way will make the hardest working elements of your content marketing strategy produce even more results! – Mike Brown