There's huge potential for video to capture and create powerful moments at an event as part of an overall content strategy.
Yet talking with an event organizer who had dispatched a staff member with a video camera to cover the organization's annual event, the results were disappointing. While the organization's event was emotional and transformative for attendees, none of that translated to the event video.
The problem was the staff member with a video camera was dispatched with no clear plan or a content strategy with direction on where to look for strong content creation opportunities.
Left to his own devices (literally and figuratively), the event video was meandering and lacked a strong storyline.
The answer is having a content strategy with a starting outline and plan on where to shoot video. There should also be a basic understanding of how to ferret out and take advantage of impromptu opportunities for great video. With the right video content strategy, a video shooter can capture a plethora of raw video footage suitable for multiple uses, including event marketing, highlight videos, and future content sharing.
While every event is going to be different, here’s a list we created for the event organizer mentioned above to help a future video team in imagining where great content will be at an event.
We’re guessing, although it’s generic, this list will work as a starting point for many (most?) events.
Attendees and Groups
Emotional Content
Planned Content
Behind the Scenes
Big Visual Impact
That’s our starting event video shooting list. What would you add to it? – Mike Brown
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