It seems easier all the time to undermine your success by distracting yourself from what’s important. With the holiday season upon us, there will be even more distractions fighting for attention. Spend some time planning how you can quit distracting yourself from your own success by . . .
- Judging yourself by someone else’s metrics?
- Spending too much time on social media?
- Continuing to seek information when what you should do is already clear?
- Doing anything other than having a difficult conversation?
- Multi-thrashing through too few items on the to-do list?
- Cultivating imagination and ignoring implementation?
- Acting like there is all the time in the world?
- Wishing your days away?
- Depending on someone or something to come to the rescue?
- Complaining about instead of conquering obstacles?
- Talking while the world is subtly turning in the other direction?
- Continually clicking between tabs on multiple web browsers?
- Assessing how easy it is to fall short of what others have accomplished?
- Not committing ahead of time but then not getting anything meaningful done by not committing?
- Worrying about how to keep up with all the new information that’s out there?
- Exploring the same things over and over again?
- Seeking comfort over challenge?
- Wanting reassurance over risk?
- Becoming mired in excruciating what-iffing over fervent belief?
What’s your* plan to stop distracting yourself? *By “your,” I mean “my.” - Mike Brown
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