Blog | Brainzooming

Duct Tape Marketing & Creative Thinking with Idea Magnets

Written by Mike Brown | Jan 9, 2019 10:50:50 AM

“Sitting down to think up big ideas is a really great way to freeze your brain out.” That’s so true. It’s also how author and entrepreneur, John Jantsch, introduced his Duct Tape Marketing podcast where we discussed Idea Magnets, powerful creative thinking questions, and the path to amazing ideas.

John Jantsch has been a marketing icon for years, and a personal model for me since before I started The Brainzooming Group. While still in the corporate world, my career coach, Kathryn Lorenzen, pointed me toward John’s work with Duct Tape Marketing. As a fellow-Kansas Citian, Kathryn said to look at how John was building writing into an entire business model.

Since that time, John’s reach and impact through Duct Tape Marketing have continued to grow dramatically:

  • Forbes has chosen the Duct Tape Marketing blog as a favorite for marketing and small business
  • John’s Duct Tape Marketing podcast is a top ten marketing show on iTunes
  • The Wall St. Journal, New York Times, and CNNMoney frequently cite John's perspectives on small business
  • Duct Tape Marketing trains and licenses independent marketing consultants, coaches and agencies on the use of its system around the world

Given all that, I was incredibly honored when John reached out to feature Idea Magnets – 7 Strategies for Cultivating & Attracting Creative Business Leaders on his podcast.

During the show, we discussed:

  • The difference between being creative and having a creative thinking process
  • Ways to build a team (whether formally or informally) with all the attributes to generate amazing ideas
  • Using targeted questions to achieve the impact you are looking for in leadership and business

Listen to our fast-paced conversation and get a new take on Idea Magnets, creative thinking, and how you can use questions to inspire and implement for impact! – Mike Brown