Idea Magnets instinctively apply their core strategies to create outstanding customer experiences. With that backdrop, I delivered an Idea Magnets workshop at a technology company.
The specific focus?
How Ideas Magnets apply their strategies to create stronger internal customer experiences.
Idea Magnets and Outside-In Customer Experiences
Here's how each Idea Magnets strategy matches up:
Generate Inspiration: Idea Magnets use extreme creativity questions to motivate their teams to imagine dramatically new possibilities. The answers impact how they design and deliver a customer experience.
Embody Servant Leadership: Servant leaders are thinking about how they are doing things to benefit their audiences. Embracing servant leadership helps focus on what works best for potential customers.
Attract Opposites: When there's a call to enhance a customer experience, you want to explore ideas from multiple perspectives. Idea Magnets are adept at flipping situations on their heads to see new ideas hidden among familiar processes.
Make Unexpected Connections: There are incredible customer experience lessons from leading brands across all industries. Finding the right comparison brand for your brand will highlight strategies that are easily portable across industries.
Encourage People and Ideas: Customer experience is a multi-dimensional aspect of a brand. Idea Magnets naturally bring together a diverse mix of people and perspectives across the customer experience.
Implement for Impact: With a bias for acting on innovative ideas, Idea Magnets effectively narrow options and make decisions with the customer in mind. They integrate techniques to simplify making complex choices, speeding up the time from idea to implementation.
Recharge Creativity: Staying on top of expectations and performance on the customer experience demands long-term focus and innovative thinking. Ideas Magnets are adept at keeping the team's thinking fresh and new even as they tackle ongoing functions and issues.
If your organization needs new thinking on customer experience, embracing the seven Idea Magnets strategies is a fantastic place to start. Contact us, and let’s talk about how the Idea Magnets book and/or workshops will inspire big changes!
Note: If you're a Brainzooming blog subscriber and wondering where I've been the last month, it's been a crunch time: travel to client workshops, the Inbound18 conference, and multiple local client engagements. That's great for business. It’s also a challenge for publishing regularly. I can't see the time crunch ending soon. My apologies as we try to keep up a regular publishing schedule in this important strategic planning time! - Mike Brown