I'm substitute hosting again for Kelly Scanlon on her Hot Talk 1510 AM "Eye on Small Business" radio show at 9 a.m. CDT Friday, August 21. The topic is "7 Ways to Better Understand Your Customers," and the guest is long-time friend and colleague Barb Murphy, President of Strategic Spark.
We'll discuss ways that small business owners can use both primary and secondary research to identify the changes taking place within their customer bases during these challenging economic times.
You can
listen live on the internet, and if you want to tweet a question, use hashtag
#kcsmallbiz. I'll try to monitor any questions and incorporate them into the program.
BTW - Barb will also be doing an opening day seminar at the American Marketing Association Market Research conference October 4 - 7, 2009.
I'm chairing the conference, and it's a great opportunity for those involved in the research field to
develop professionally, expand your knowledge of new research techniques, and get set for the future.
Register by September 4 to get the early bird rate. And follow the conference on http://twitter.com/amamrc for market research updates from across the web!