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Random Thoughts from TMRE

Written by Mike Brown | Oct 23, 2008 10:00:00 AM

This is the last planned post from The Market Research Event (TMRE) – 4 intense days with so many learning and insight opportunities to share!

  • TMRE runs its conference with 5 minutes breaks - never seen anything like it. Hats off to them for making it work since it adds at least three more educational sessions in a 3-day conference. That translates directly into increased value for participants.
  • Interesting how many research companies include orange in their color pallets. Like that a lot! Every research company describes itself as a “full service market research company.” Doubt that a whole lot!
  • Disneyland isn’t Disney World. Granted, I was last at Disney World more than a decade ago. At the time though, it appeared to be the epitome of smart marketing, managing all conceivable elements of customer experience. Disneyland clearly doesn’t. (Quick examples – no mention of going to the park at check-in, the early-order breakfast door hanger was never replaced after using it the first day, and a bag’s worth of crushed pretzels remained on the floor overnight without being cleaned up). So, what’s not happening?
  • Disneyland note pads feature Mickey ears and the phrases
    “Ideapad” and “Inspire. Innovate. Dream.” at the top. COOL! And it has meeting rooms called “Adventure” and “Fantasy.” COOL!! But when you put the pads in basement level rooms with low ceilings, poor lighting, and no windows, it’s a little more challenging to inspire, innovate, and dream.
  • Despite my mini-rants above, how much happier would your workplace be if the background music played “Zippity Do Dah,” “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious,” and “The Mickey Mouse Club Theme” in heavy rotation?

And if you haven't gotten enough about TMRE yet, go over to my Schmoozii post from yesterday about the concept of "creative consumers." It's the snarkiest post I've done yet, although I do realize Barrett that it isn't all that snarky...but I'm working on it!