South by Southwest is in full swing. If you're on Twitter and following even a few people, you're already seeing frequent updates from friends hitting all the cool presentations, concerts, parties, and other events in Austin.
In an attempt to deal with the left-out feeling for those not there, I started using the Twitter hashtag #NWxNW for "Nowhere by Nowhere." The basic idea is that if you're not at #SxSW, then in the world of social media, you're nowhere.
Yet, there are more people not in Austin than there are there, and it's an opportunity for people in the next few weeks to be sharing what cool, strategic work they are doing back at home, wherever home is, by tagging it with #NWxNW.
Amid promoting #NWxNW, I came across the more active hashtag #FakeSxSW, which was started in 2009 to tweet about cool FICTIONAL presentations, events, and meetups at an event that isn't really happening. It's a funny and creative tweetstream for those of us salving the wounds of not getting to be in the thick of South by Southwest.
To keep up to date on the coolest creativity throughout the rest of South by Southwest, check back on the Twitter widgets in today's post to monitor both the coolness at #SxSW and the creativity at #FakeSxSw and #NWxNW.
And in either case, if there's something that strikes your interest, how about doing a guest Brainzooming blog on it? That would be creative! - Mike Brown