How can you get the most mileage from the free strategic planning eBooks we regularly offer as downloads?
We do not pretend to be able to imagine EVERY single situation where you might apply our strategic thinking exercises. Yet when we create new eBooks, our main goal is ensuring the content is heavy on ideas and tools you can apply to improve strategic thinking and implementation in your organization.
One way we test that expectation is by working with the exercises ourselves to ensure their effectiveness and utility.
Considering that, here’s an example of how, as one previous boss might say, we eat our own dog food (in this case, strategic thinking exercises).
I was working yesterday on designing an upcoming strategic planning Blast! for a client. One objective for the Blast! is to push the leadership group’s thinking toward innovative ideas they might have never considered a few years before.
Reaching the part of the outline where we’re going to turn the participants toward more disruptive thinking, I needed to come up with appropriate strategic thinking questions for the client to consider. Turning around in my chair, I saw a draft copy of our Disrupting Thinking eBook. It is filled with questions to push thinking on multiple topics, including brand benefits, success factors, risk taking, and new market entry. I grabbed the copy, combed through it, and found five great questions.
Total time from identifying what I needed to having five strong potential strategic thinking questions?
Less than five minutes.
Compare that to sitting with a blank screen struggling to imagine brand new strategic thinking questions from scratch. I know I would have spent way more than five minutes.
If you’re similarly on the hook to come up with engaging questions or strategy and innovation ideas (which you likely are if you are still reading this), you would have taken the same or more amount of time.
Wouldn’t it be nice to be done in five minutes and ready to move on to the next thing?
So, go ahead and download Disrupting Thinking right now. And grab our eBook with 600 strategic thinking questions, too. You will save TENS OF HOURS (maybe more) of time over the next year with these two Brainzooming downloads.
So yeah, we eat our own strategic thinking exercise dog food.
And it tastes darn good.
Plus, we share it ALL THE TIME! – Mike Brown