A solid social media strategy can do many things for your brand’s results.


At the same time, there are many things social media won’t do for a brand.

Social media WON'T:

  • Deliver business results if you can't articulate a business objective you expect it to support
  • Fix a brand problem - in fact it will call attention to a brand problem
  • Make your brand suddenly intriguing to its audiences
  • Stop talking negatively about your brand if you decide to retreat and not participate in the conversations
  • Let you get away with the same poor customer treatment your brand could get away with twenty years ago
  • Give you more points for the quantity of content than it will take away for poor quality content
  • Tell you what content topics to address . . . but it will give you all kinds of hints
  • Make sense if you can’t stop talking about yourself all the time
  • Ever completely ignore the things you hope it will ignore
  • Automatically make the things you want to go viral go viral
  • Change the world as we know it . . . even though it will shake up a lot of things beyond recognition

If your brand is still on the social media strategy sidelines (or is in the game without a strategy), these are all reason it is better to create a solid social media strategy first before just starting and seeing what happens. – Mike Brown

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