Are you in budget meetings right now, determining what funds you will have to implement next year’s strategic initiatives?
Is your budget process running late? Are you still reviewing budgets for next year?
If so, you have time to turn tedious budgeting exercises into productive strategic planning activities focused on business growth.
During budgeting in the Fortune 500 world, we spent too much time on the numbers and not nearly enough on making sure we were prioritizing the best strategic initiatives to grow the business.
I worked with some great people in the accounting and financial areas that understood forecasts and budgets do not just happen by themselves. My peers at the vice president level and above were, however, too often engaged in micro-managing budget details they could manage while not tackling tougher strategic issues within budgeting.
To counter this preference for numbers over strategy, we routinely tried to bring new thinking to the table to turn budget meetings into productive strategic planning activities.
In our new Brainzooming eBook, “3 Ways to Turn Budget Meetings into Strategic Activities,” we reveal how to:
If you are leading budget meetings, you can use these ideas to improve their strategic impact.
Even if your role is to develop and present your business unit’s budget, you can use the concepts in this eBook to highlight strategic activities and create a stronger linkage between forecasts, budgets, and the important strategic initiatives that drive growth.
The bonus part is that “3 Ways to Turn Budget Meetings into Strategic Activities,” is FREE!
What finance or accounting person is going to nitpick that?
Download your copy today! - Mike Brown