An article in The Wall Street Journal Review section contained a beneficial lesson on an age-old business issue: getting line and staff organizations working well in strong strategic alignment with one another. The lesson came from via unlikely source: a college marching band.
The Wall Street Journal article yielded four valuable lessons Arthur Bartner used. Any business with line and support organizations can embrace the same concepts to create better strategic alignment:
Create staff organization structures with natural links to the line organization, along with job titles and terminology in the staff organization to reflect how the line organization thinks and talks.
Use joint meetings, frequent ongoing interactions, and strong reporting relationships to make sure the line and staff organizations are familiar with each other and clear on joint goals to support the entire organization.
Line managers should have visible and meaningful involvement in shaping support organization strategies. Additionally, the staff organization needs to be working on the same objectives as the line organization. For the greatest strategic alignment, its activities should directly enhance what the line organization is doing.
Staff organization leaders need exposure to the line organization through job sharing, rotations, and/or project assignments. Ideally, at least some staff organization leaders should have come from the line organization earlier in their careers.
Achieving strategic alignment between among line and staff organizations has the potential for incredible results, but it’s not necessarily easy to accomplish. Pursuing these four lessons from the USC marching band, however, can pave the way to making real progress! - Mike Brown
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