Looking back through some material while working on a self-imposed writing deadline, these perspectives on strategic leadership surfaced, and seemed worthwhile to share.
- You can’t take on somebody else’s leadership style; you have to ultimately develop one that works for your personality.
- Leadership isn’t about position or title. It's about service. Every person can be a leader – and great leaders cultivate other leaders throughout the team or organization.
- Some leaders are great at creating & communicating a vision. Some are better at implementing the visions of others. Figure out which type of leader you are and pair up with the other type to be successful.
- A leader can’t begin to control everything. Surrender on the things that you can’t control. Many times you have only two options – PRAY and PAY; often, it’s only PRAY.
- Have mental restarts to help stay sharp. What do yours feel like?
- Sometimes leaders lead based on a vision. Or emotion. Or facts. Or all of these at once.
- Leaders take action and use all the tools that are appropriate and available to them to do so. Even if it means inventing new tools.