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The 5 Strategic Alignments You Need for Successful Implementation

Written by Mike Brown | Dec 18, 2024 12:06:33 PM

I’m not sure what number of strategy and implementation cliché this is, but it must be high on the list: Everybody needs to be on the same page.

Like all business clichés, it:

  • Is easily proclaimed
  • Feels mostly true
  • Leaves you scratching your head about what it means and how to accomplish it

Turning business clichés into something actionable is a recurring theme of Brainzooming content. We call it operationalizing strategy. Brainzooming is all about doing everything possible to turn strategy into action and success.

So, how do you operationalize getting on the same page and make it drive results?

Think of it as focusing on strategic alignments that serve your organization all the way from communicating through implementing and adapting your plan.

Five Strategic Alignments

We recommend concentrating on these five strategic alignments. They work together to get everyone on the same page.

Mental Alignment

Alignment here means everyone understanding the “whys” behind your strategy. This allows people to connect your organization's direction to the overall strategy and their own actions. Facilitating this broad understanding depends on clearly stating the strategy and ensuring that it’s actionable.

Emotional Alignment

You need team members throughout the organization to believe in the strategy's soundness and demonstrate their support for it. It’s especially important that leaders and anyone involved in implementation are engaged, enthusiastic, and rooting for the strategy’s success

Aligned Behaviors

Perhaps the most critical alignment, success depends on the team acting as one (or as close to acting as one as possible). The key is that everyone is implementing with the strategy’s intent and most important expected deliverables in mind.

Implementation Alignment

Alignment on collaboration maximizes delivering on the strategy’s original objectives. Aligned implementation also sets the stage for achieving better-than-expected results. This happens when team members are able to maximize their working relationships and coordination.

Aligned on Flexibility

Strategies are only as good as the results. Rarely, though, can an organization put a strategy into action exactly as it’s spelled out in a plan. That’s why team members need latitude to make solid, strategic adjustments as the plan turns into reality. Maintaining alignment when adaptation is critical is the sign of a robust organization.

Looking for Additional Implementation Support?

The Brainzooming guide, Fast Forward - Successfully Implementing Your Strategy, highlights proven strategies for communicating your plan, aligning your implementation teams, and accelerating progress to deliver results. Get your free guide today to strengthen your strategy’s success. - Mike Brown

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