So as you make up your holiday card list, keep track of something besides who sent you a card last year: do a double check to ensure that you have a full range of personalities and talents among your informal creative team’s members. See if you have someone on your list for each of these 12 characteristics:
If there’s a creative talent missing on your team, resolve to identify a new team member in the new year that expresses their creativity in that manner. And if you don’t have a creative team you can reach out to, start building it! You’ll truly love the impact that it will have on you! - Mike Brown
If you’d like to add an interactive, educationally-stimulating presentation on creativity, strategy, innovation, branding, social media or a variety of other topics to your event, Mike Brown is the answer. Email us at or call 816-509-5320 to learn how Mike can get your audience members Brainzooming!