“The Twelve Days of Christmas” is a quirky song, but the ideas of gift-giving and thanksgiving are central to the season. Thanksgiving, though, should be a focus all the time: so many of us are given so many gifts that we don’t merit.
Much of this blog is about lessons given and learned, so even though the twelve days of Christmas are between Christmas Day and feast of the Epiphany, we’ll use the next twelve weekdays to share and thank people that have given me lasting gifts.
Some of the people are tremendously important and will always be with me, yet there’s one whose name I don’t even know. Not all the lessons may seem huge, but my hope is that each gift will be valuable for you as well.
Click here to see a post from another of my blogs that combines today's two posts - gifts and interesting things in your inbox.
Then come back tomorrow as we begin the Twelve Days of Gifts!