I authored several pieces a few months ago on the many ways social networking can drive innovation strategy and development efforts. As a follow-up to those innovation articles, Chuck Dymer of Brilliance Activator and The Brainzooming Group partnered to record a podcast on the same topic. Chuck and I speak about how a business can use social networking strategies to:
- Listen to its marketplace in new, strategic ways
- Build and active new expertise inside and outside its organization
- Enable an innovative collaboration strategy
The podcast is free and available for download Chuck's Brilliance Activator website as the featured resource. I encourage you to take a listen and consider how you can plan to strengthen your innovation strategy through social networking. - Mike Brown
The Brainzooming Group helps make smart organizations more successful by rapidly expanding their strategic options and creating innovative plans they can efficiently implement. Email us at brainzooming@gmail.com or call us at 816-509-5320 to learn how we can deliver these benefits for you.