Want to meet cool new people? Next time you're at a public presentation, "live tweet" it. Live tweeting implies using Twitter to report:
- What the speaker is communicating
- Your own commentary
- What others are tweeting about it (through retweets)
I live tweeted the Integrated Marketing Summit last week in Kansas City to further experiment with the process. Based on my tweets from a direct database marketing session, Doug Haslam switched breakouts and joined the session. This created the opportunity to chat, and after attending his session on PR and social media, later talk at the networking reception.
I wouldn't have necessarily gone up and talked with someone new (ah, the curse of an introvert), but live tweeting opened the door to connect and meet a new, really smart person at the forefront of social media.
Beyond the in-person opportunity, live tweeting often opens the opportunity to attract and follow new people in your Twitter network as well.
Live tweeting - a whole new way for introverts to become social animals. - Mike Brown