What data sources does your organization mine to track the customer experience (CX) your brand delivers? How does your analysis contribute to making process improvement an ongoing strategic focus?

A story in The Wall Street Journal surveyed how Chick-fil-A deploys its customer experience team and tracking strategy. The company’s primary focus is increasing throughput in its drive-through lanes. Drive-throughs account for approximately 60% of Chick-fil-A revenue.

Impactful CX Sources


What data does Chick-fil-A mine to understand its customer experience?

Here’s a list of Chick-fil-A listening and viewing posts plus analyses culled from the WSJ article:

Assessing Capabilities Gaps

  • Identify process constraints wherever they exist, tackling them individually and collectively to expand capacity.
  • Determine resource limitations impacting an employee's ability to perform as expected.

Tracking Patterns and Variations

Monitoring Changing Situations and Metrics

  • Pay attention to changes and impacts within the customer experience delivery environment.
  • Monitor customer experience preference priorities among customers and prospects.
  • Evaluate process changes on external audiences and stakeholders.
  • Integrate data from process change experiments driven by franchisees.
  • Assess any trade-offs between greater efficiency and customer experience perceptions.

Anticipating the Future

  • Anticipate future issues by modeling processes before implementation.
  • Conduct sensitivity analysis to assess demand changes on processes.
  • Consider and address unintended consequences from process changes (such as the temperature impacts from placing employee order takers outside with tablets.
  • Imagining potential future issues and anticipating ways to address them.

See Anything Intriguing for Your CX Monitoring?

While this list isn’t exhaustive, it covers some nooks and crannies of CX measurement that could yield beneficial insights.

What data sources intrigue you for your organization to similarly exploit?

If you’d like more thinking on efficiently monitoring CX, book a quick call with me. Let’s chat about how these or other data inputs can be an additive part of your CX improvement. - Mike Brown

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